What tips can help me take better jewelery photographs?

The best way to photograph jewelry is to ensure that the pieces are evenly and evenly illuminated. Create your lighting setup at a 45-degree angle with respect to the jewelry.

What tips can help me take better jewelery photographs?

The best way to photograph jewelry is to ensure that the pieces are evenly and evenly illuminated. Create your lighting setup at a 45-degree angle with respect to the jewelry. Then adjust the camera to the correct aperture and take the picture. I recommend using a mirrorless DSLR camera for the best results.

The soft light is ideal for photographing jewelry. It will avoid unflattering shadows and high-contrast reflections. I hope these photography tips have been useful for you to get better results the next time you photograph jewelry at home.

Clifford Owen
Clifford Owen

Professional social media ninja. Wannabe web evangelist. Hardcore social media trailblazer. Certified social media geek. Total thinker.

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